Sound Protocol
Module Contracts


contracts/modules/SoundOnChainMetadata.sol (opens in a new tab)

Sound Metadata module with per-tier overrides (on-chain JSON variant).


JSON Templating

Suppose we want to generate the following JSON:

    "animation_url": "",
    "artist": "Daniel Allan",
    "artwork": {
        "mimeType": "image/gif",
        "uri": "ar://J5NZ-e2NUcQj1OuuhpTjAKtdW_nqwnwo5FypF_a6dE4",
        "nft": null
    "attributes": [{
        "trait_type": "Criteria",
        "value": "Song Edition"
    "bpm": null,
    "credits": null,
    "description": "Criteria is an 8-track project between Daniel Allan and Reo Cragun.\n\nA fusion of electronic music and hip-hop - Criteria brings together the best of both worlds and is meant to bring web3 music to a wider audience.\n\nThe collection consists of 2500 editions with activations across Sound, Bonfire, OnCyber, Spinamp and Arpeggi.",
    "duration": 105,
    "external_url": "",
    "genre": "Pop",
    "image": "ar://J5NZ-e2NUcQj1OuuhpTjAKtdW_nqwnwo5FypF_a6dE4",
    "isrc": null,
    "key": null,
    "license": null,
    "locationCreated": null,
    "losslessAudio": "",
    "lyrics": null,
    "mimeType": "audio/wave",
    "nftSerialNumber": 11,
    "name": "Criteria #11",
    "originalReleaseDate": null,
    "project": null,
    "publisher": null,
    "recordLabel": null,
    "tags": null,
    "title": "Criteria",
    "trackNumber": 1,
    "version": "sound-edition-20220930",
    "visualizer": null

We can represent it as a template:

    "animation_url": [["animationURI"]],
    "artist": [["artist"]],
    "artwork": {
        "mimeType": [["artworkMime"]],
        "uri": [["artworkURI"]],
        "nft": null
    "attributes": [{
        "trait_type": [["title"]],
        "value": "Song Edition"
    "bpm": [["bpm"]],
    "credits": [["credits"]],
    "description": [["description"]],
    "duration": [["duration"]],
    "external_url": [["externalURI"]],
    "genre": [["genre"]],
    "image": [["artworkURI"]],
    "isrc": [["isrc"]],
    "key": [["key"]],
    "license": [["license"]],
    "locationCreated": [["locationCreated"]],
    "losslessAudio": [["losslessAudio"]],
    "lyrics": [["lyrics"]],
    "mimeType": [["mime"]],
    "nftSerialNumber": [["sn"]],
    "name": [[["title"], " #", ["sn"]]],
    "originalReleaseDate": [["originalReleaseDate"]],
    "project": [["project"]],
    "publisher": [["publisher"]],
    "recordLabel": [["recordLabel"]],
    "tags": [["tags"]],
    "title": [["title"]],
    "trackNumber": [["trackNumber"]],
    "version": [["version"]],
    "visualizer": [["visualizer"]]

We can represent substitutions with two different formats:

  • Literal substitution: [["visualizer"]]
  • String concatenation substitution: [[["title"], " #", ["sn"]]]

The behavior of these two formats will be described later.

The metadata contract will have a function for users to upload templates:

function createTemplate(string memory template)
    returns (string memory templateId)

Anyone can upload a template to the metadata contract, and it will return a template ID, which is a very short base64 string of 12 characters.

We will then need a way to specify per-edition values to be substituted into these templates.

function setValues(
    address edition,
    string memory values
) public onlyOwnerOrAdmin(edition)

In this case, the values is a JSON describing what templates to use, and what values are to be substituted:

    "base": {
        "template": "g5wQ129ioUEq",
        "values": {
            "animationURI": "",
            "artist": "Daniel Allan",
            "artworkMime": "image/gif",
            "artworkURI": "ar://J5NZ-e2NUcQj1OuuhpTjAKtdW_nqwnwo5FypF_a6dE4",
            "description": "Criteria is an 8-track project between Daniel Allan and Reo Cragun.\n\nA fusion of electronic music and hip-hop - Criteria brings together the best of both worlds and is meant to bring web3 music to a wider audience.\n\nThe collection consists of 2500 editions with activations across Sound, Bonfire, OnCyber, Spinamp and Arpeggi.",
            "duration": 105,
            "genre": "Pop",
            "losslessAudio": "",
            "mime": "audio/wave",
            "title": "Criteria",
            "trackNumber": 1, 
            "version": "sound-edition-20220930"
    "0": {
        "values": {
            "artworkURI": "tier0ArtworkURI"
    "1": {
        "values": {
            "artworkURI": "tier1ArtworkURI"
                "goldenEgg": {
              "template": "dEF12ji78WuR",
              "values": {
                  "artworkURI": "goldenEggArtworkURI"

Note that there are some special keys not shown above:

  • "sn" : The serial number, which will be the base 10 decimal string of the token’s tier-index. If the token happens to be the golden egg, this will be “goldenEgg”.
  • "id" : The token ID, which will be the base 10 decimal string of the token’s ID. If the token happens to be the golden egg, this will be “goldenEgg”.
  • "tier": The token tier, which will be the base 10 decimal string of the token’s tier.

If the values JSON contains any of these reserved keys, it will override the default values.

Substitution Rules

Literal substitution


If the value is a string, it will be double-quoted.

If it is a number, boolean, null, object, array, it will not be double quoted.

If the value is missing, it will be considered as null.

String concatenation substitution

[[["title"], " #", ["sn"]]]

Values will not be double-quoted. Strings will be automatically decoded and re-encoded.

If the value is an object or an array, the function will revert.

If the value is missing, it will be considered as null.


The inheritance precedence is: "goldenEgg" > "tier" > "base" .

Illustration by Example

Suppose we have three different templates:

"1": '{"x":[["x"]],"b":[["b"]],"n":[[["tier"],"-",["sn"]]],"i":[["id"]],"s":"ONE"}'
"2": '{"x":[["x"]],"b":[["b"]],"n":[[["tier"],"-",["sn"]]],"i":[["id"]],"s":"TWO"}'
"3": '{"x":[["x"]],"b":[["b"]],"n":[[["tier"],"-",["sn"]]],"i":[["id"]],"s":"THREE"}'

And suppose we have an edition with this values JSON:

    "base": {
        "template": "1",
        "values": {
            "x": 11,
            "b": "B"
    "7": {
        "template": "2",
        "values": {
            "x": 22
    "goldenEgg": {
        "template": "3",
        "values": {
            "x": 33

For id=1000, sn=111, tier=1, goldenEgg=false, the token JSON will be:


For id=2000, sn=222, tier=7, goldenEgg=false, the token JSON will be:


For id=3000, sn=333, tier=7, goldenEgg=true, the token JSON will be:


Note that the special fields "id", "sn" , "tier" are not provided in the values JSON. The metadata contract automatically retrieves and substitutes them in.


For JSON compactness, you can use:

  • "g" instead of "goldenEgg"
  • "b" instead of "base"

Write Functions


function createTemplate(string memory templateJSON) external returns (string memory templateId)

Creates a new template.

templateJSONThe template JSON.


function setValues(address edition, string memory valuesJSON) external

Sets the values for the (edition, tier).

editionThe address of the Sound Edition.
valuesJSONThe JSON string of values.


function setValuesCompressed(address edition, bytes memory compressed) external

Sets the values for the (edition, tier).

editionThe address of the Sound Edition.
compressedThe JSON string of values, in compressed form.

Read-only Functions


function predictTemplateId(string memory templateJSON) 
    returns (string memory templateId)

Returns the deterministic template ID.

templateJSONThe template JSON.


function getTemplate(string memory templateId) 
    returns (string memory templateJSON)

Returns the template JSON for the template ID.

templateIdThe template ID.


function getValues(address edition) 
    returns (string memory valuesJSON)

Returns the template ID and the values JSON for the (edition, tier).

editionThe address of the Sound Edition.


function rawTokenJSON(
    address edition,
    uint256 tokenId,
    uint256 sn,
    uint8 tier,
    bool isGoldenEgg
) external view returns (string memory json)

Returns the JSON string, assuming the following parameters.

editionThe edition address.
tokenIdThe token ID.
snThe serial number of the token (index of the token in its tier + 1).
tierThe token tier.
isGoldenEggWhether the token is a golden egg.


function tokenURI(uint256 tokenId) external view returns (string memory uri)

When registered on a SoundEdition proxy, its tokenURI redirects execution to this tokenURI.

tokenIdThe token ID to retrieve the token URI for.


function goldenEggTokenId(address edition, uint8 tier) 
    returns (uint256 tokenId)

Returns token ID for the golden egg after the mintRandomness is locked, else returns 0.

editionThe edition address.
tierThe tier of the token.



event TemplateCreated(string templateId)

Emitted when a new template is created.

templateIdThe template ID for the template.


event ValuesSet(address indexed edition, bool compressed)

Emitted when the values for a (edition, tier) is set.

editionThe address of the Sound Edition.
compressedWhether the values JSON is compressed with solady.LibZip.flzCompress.



error Unauthorized()

Unauthorized caller.


error TemplateIdTaken()

The template ID has been taken.


error TemplateDoesNotExist()

The template does not exist.


error ValuesDoNotExist()

The values do not exist.